Prototyping for eXtended Reality

Do you need guidance to develop human-centered ethical XR?
We supply the support, the books and the help to use them.
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- XR-AI User Needs Analysis & Evaluation
- XR-AI Gamification Designs
- XR-AI R&D Lean Agile Project Planning and Management
Dr. Jolanda G. Tromp
XR Prototyping and Testing Service
Hire a dynamic and versatile team of professionals with expertise in Human Factors, Cognitive Psychology, and Usability Engineering for future technologies. Our skills include Collaborative Virtual Environment Design & Evaluation, Long-Distance Collaboration, Engagement & Gamification, and Virtual & Intercultural Leadership.
Our signature strengths lie in business analytics, lateral thinking, motivating people, and initiating novel approaches for futuristic products. We’ve presented to audiences of up to 500 people and played key roles in 4 large EU-funded projects, managing teams, planning usability research, and delivering impactful results.
As fast, thoughtful team players, we excel under tight deadlines, and as patient, empathic researchers, teachers, trainers, and coaches, we bring out the best in others. Additionally, we uphold ethical and safety standards as a usability experimenter and mentor. Let’s collaborate for extraordinary success!

Professional Expertise
I’m a cognitive psychologist specialized in Human-Centered design and evaluation planning, execution and management for eXtended Reality applications in combination with other novel technologies. My focus is on rapid lean prototyping and testing, and managing interdisciplinary teamwork.
As an eXtended Reality Consultant, a Human Factors scientist and Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of New York and Chief Metaverse Officer at Duy Tan University, I explore the potential of digital eXtended Reality and its combination with other technologies to address the 17 SDGs.
Our research and development skills and creative conception teamwork skills are honed on years of cutting-edge. I’m passionate about creating safe, satisfying, and sustainable solutions and guiding HCI Master and PhD students in XR projects. Let’s shape the future together!
Book Publications
These books are free to clients who engage us on a contract.

Roadmapping Extended Reality: Fundamentals and Applications, 2022
Eds: Mariano Alcañiz, Marco Sacco and Jolanda G. Tromp
This book offers a comprehensive overview of the technological aspects of Extended Realities (XR) and discusses the main challenges and future directions in the field.
This book is important and timely – XR technologies have overcome the 3 main aspects that were holding it back from mainstream adoption: cost, cables, and size. However, there are many aspects of XR technologies that are now going to be explored and developed that still need urgent research in terms of security, privacy, health and safety, long-term effects, addiction risks, and age-related developmental concerns, and the aim of the book is to inform all readers of these open issues and challenges.
There are currently a great number of interdisciplinary researchers and developers working in the XR R&D field. Recently, XR technologies moved from the Gartner Hype Cycle onto the Plateau of Productivity on the Gartner Hype Cycle signaling that the fundamental XR technologies are now deemed mature technologies and ready for deployment in a wide variety of application areas. Corroborated by the fact
that XR technologies are part of the future Metaverse, a concept that went rapidly mainstream during the time of writing of this book.
Roadmapping Extended Reality is divided into two parts: (1) fundamentals and (2) applications. The first part covers the main technological aspects of XR. The chapters in this section review and discuss relevant fundamental concepts of XR, the actual state-of-the-art, and future challenges. The second part of the book focuses on covering a wide range of applications of XR including a future roadmap. All in all, the book offers a snapshot of the state-of-the-art in XR and addresses the needs of a multidisciplinary audience working in both academia and the industry, as well as stakeholders at government agencies and non-profit organizations.
This book is aimed at academic and industrial developers, exploring and developing applications in the XR, VR, AR, AI, smart IoT, 4th Industrial Revolution space, including those that are solving technology requirements, human factors, evaluation methodology advances, and ROI investigations.

Emerging Extended Reality Technologies for Industry 4.0, 2020
Eds: Jolanda G. Tromp, Dac-Nhuong Le and Chung Van Le
In the fast-developing world of Industry 4.0, which combines Extended Reality (XR) technologies, such as Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), creating location aware applications to interact with smart objects and smart processes via Cloud Computing strategies enabled with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT), factories and processes can be automated and machines can be enabled with self-monitoring capabilities.
Smart objects are given the ability to analyze and communicate with each other and their human co-workers, delivering the opportunity for much smoother processes, and freeing up workers for other tasks. Industry 4.0 enabled smart objects can be monitored, designed, tested and controlled via their digital twins, and these processes and controls are visualized in VR/AR.
The Industry 4.0 technologies provide powerful, largely unexplored application areas that will revolutionize the way we work, collaborate and live our lives. It is important to understand the opportunities and impact of the new technologies and the effects from a production, safety and societal point of view.

Emerging Technologies for Health and Medicine, 2019
Eds: Dac-Nhuong Le, Chung Van Le, Jolanda G. Tromp and Gia Nhu Nguyen
With the current advances in technology innovation, the field of medicine and healthcare is rapidly expanding and, as a result, many different areas of human health diagnostics, treatment and care are emerging. Wireless technology is getting faster and 5G mobile technology allows the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) to greatly improve patient care and more effectively prevent illness from developing. This book provides an overview and review of the current and anticipated changes in medicine and healthcare due to new technologies and faster communication between users and devices.
This groundbreaking book presents state-of-the-art chapters on many subjects including:
- A review of the implications of VR and AR healthcare applications.
- A review of current augmenting dental care
- An overview of typical human-computer interaction (HCI) that can help inform the development of user interface designs and novel ways to evaluate human behavior to responses in virtual reality (VR) and other new technologies.
- A review of telemedicine technologies
- Building empathy in young children using augmented reality
- AI technologies for mobile health of stroke monitoring & rehabilitation robotics control
- Mobile doctor brain AI App
- An artificial intelligence mobile cloud computing tool
- Development of a robotic teaching aid for disabled children.
- Training system design of lower limb rehabilitation robot based on virtual reality.
Published Reports
These reports are examples of the work we have done for clients in the past.

Delphi Report: A consensus Study about the state of XR 2022 - 2030
Authors and Eds: Jolanda G. Tromp, Gabriel Zachmann, Jerome Perret, Beatrice Palacco.
In July 2021, a Consensus study was performed amongst the expert XR (eXtended Reality) community in Europe and worldwide, using the Delphi consensus method.
XR technologies are part of the “Essential Eight” key enabling technologies of the 21st century. The path towards realizing the full potential of XR technologies is complex and involves collaboration between multi-disciplinary and multi-culutal teams and international partners. The members of the EuroXR Association and their XR Open Forum group, initiated a study using the well-established Delphi consensus method, drawing on the expertise of independent senior XR experts to formulate future directions for XR R&D.
The study was planned, managed and run by Dr Jolanda G Tromp, Consultant XR, with analyses from Prof. Dr. Gabriel Zachman, Professor for Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality at University of Bremen, Dr. Jerome Perret, Company co-founder and manager of Haption, Beatrice Palacco, communications manager of the EuroXR Association, and the invited XR experts who responded to the surveys and Delphi panel activities. The results are presented in terms of a roadmap for the future of XR, identifying the prerequisites to clear the path for this, and clarifying the roles and responsibilities for the XR research community, the XR business community, and the government and regulation bodies.
This report was presented to the European Commission representatives charged with defining the path forward for XR Innovation, by the EuroXR Association.

Mixed Reality Use in Higher Education Report, FACT2 MR Task Group, SUNY, 2018
Authors: Jeffrey Riman, Rachael Hagerman, Nancy Winters, Ibrahim Yucel, Allison Church, Kirsty Digger, Russell Kahn, Richard Lamb, Keith Landa, John Locke, Karen Pearson, Deborah Spiro, John Zelenak, Amanda Hollister, Michael Reale, Lauren Williams, Jolanda Tromp, John Kane.
The charge of the State University of New York (SUNY) FACT 2 Mixed Reality Task Group was to explore the use of Mixed Realities in the higher education setting and analyze the opportunities they offer to enhance the teaching, learning, and professional development experiences of students and faculty using the following paths of inquiry.
- What are the opportunities for these emergent tools to be integrated into higher education outcomes?
- What training, tools and hardware are needed to initiate and support integration into teaching and learning?
- Describe the learning curve to optimize course and degree outcomes.
- Is there enough research and experience to frame the potential benefits of these tools in fully online, hybrid and conventional modalities?

Immersive Learning and Research Network Report, 2021
Editors and Authors: Lee, Georgieva, Alexander, Craig & Richter
The Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that connects educators, developers, and researchers to work together on realizing the scientific, technical, and applied potential of immersive learning. Extended Reality (XR) technologies present unique opportunities for fostering learning that address some of the world’s most capacious societal, environmental, and economic problems. The iLRN seeks to foster a global, interdisciplinary community of scholarship and practice, founded on the principles of open science and open design, aimed at leveraging those opportunities for the good of our planet and its inhabitants.
By offering resources, tools, and forums for experts to meet, share, and collaborate, as well as by undertaking its own strategically targeted research efforts, iLRN strives to assist and promote the development of knowledge, skills, principles, and practices of using XR-for-Learning.
iLRN’s has two flagship activities:
● The State of XR & Immersive Learning Project, which combines an annual environmental-scanning and future-forecasting effort with the development of a crowdsourced empirical evidence and knowledge base on “what works” in XR and immersive learning; this report, and
● The iLRN Annual Conference, featuring high-quality, original peer-reviewed research papers and presentations as well as practitioner contributions showcasing innovation and best practices at the leading edge of the XR and immersive learning field, since 2014, rotating between North America and Europe, and during the pandemic, the 2020 and 2021 conferences were online, and in 2022 hybrid online and in Europe.
The State of XR & Immersive Learning Project is comprised of two parts: the annual State of XR & Immersive Learning Outlook Report and the iLRN Knowledge Tree. These two components work together to compile research, track developments, and promote evidence-based practices.
The first component of the State of XR & Immersive Learning Project is the annual State of XR & Immersive Learning Outlook Report. This report is the culmination of an annual, Delphi-inspired environmental scanning and forecasting study similar to the well-known Horizon Report series previously published by the New Media Consortium.
For this inaugural State of XR & Immersive Learning Outlook Report, over 100 educators, education leaders, researchers, technologists, and others representing diverse learning sectors were selected to join a global panel of experts. Each was invited to contribute their perspectives on current and emerging trends in, as well as important developments and research on, the use of XR and immersive technologies for supporting learning. Their open, asynchronous discussions and deliberations over the course of four months served as the springboard to produce this report, which showcases the findings of the study of XR and immersive learning in relation to:
● The most important needs and opportunities
● Barriers to adoption
● Catalyzing technologies and developments
Members of Expert Panel:
Sun Joo (Grace) Ahn University of Georgia, USA
Karen Alexander XRconnectED, USA
Dan Ayoub Microsoft, USA
Jorge Bacca Konrad Lorenz University
Foundation, Colombia
Cindy Ball Oculus / Facebook, USA
Steven Bambury Independent Consultant, UAE
Justin Berry Yale University, USA
Ayora Berry PTC, USA
Lucia Binotti The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
James Birt Bond University, Australia
Lucas Blair RTI International, USA
Elizabeth Boyle University of the West of Scotland, UK
Aileen Chai Ministry of Education, Singapore
Emory Craig Digital Bodies – Immersive Learning, USA
Jesse Damiani Southern New Hampshire University, USA
Linda Daniela University of Latvia, Latvia
Drew Davidson Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Lisa Dawley University of San Diego, USA
Koos de Beer University of Pretoria, South Africa
Sara de Freitas, Birkbeck, University of London, UK
Chris Dede Harvard University, USA
Johannes DeYoung Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Heather Dodds Independent Scholar, USA
Jaime Donally ARVRinEDU, USA
Lana Franceska Dreimane Ministry of Education and Science, Latvia
Asha Easton ImmerseUK, UK
Sana Farid Munfarid Consulting, UAE
Helen Farley Department of Corrections, New Zealand
Sarah Fielding University of Southampton, UK
Cyntia Franco The University of Sydney,Australia
Michael Fricano II Iolani School, USA
Maya Georgieva The New School, USA
Alex Haber Magic Leap, USA
Stella Hadjistassou University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Rhonya Hamada Google, USA
Sean Hauze San Diego State University, USA
Eric Hawkinson Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Japan
Debbie Holley Bournemouth University, UK
Toshi Hoo Institute for the Future, USA
María Blanca Ibáñez Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Sheila Jagannathan The World Bank, USA
Jason Jerald NextGen Interactions, USA
Mina Johnson-Glenberg Arizona State University, USA
Amy Kaufman University of California San Diego, USA
Fengfeng Ke Florida State University, USA
Roland Klemke Technical University of Cologne, Germany
Alexander Klippel The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Eric Klopfer Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Richard Lamb East Carolina University, USA
Fabrizio Lamberti Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Becky Lane Ithaca College, USA
Belinda Lange Flinders University, Australia
Chad Lewis Tampa Preparatory School, USA
Daniel Livingstone The Glasgow School of Art, UK
Maja Manojlovic University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Sergio Martin National Distance Education University (UNED), Spain
Kevin Merges Rutgers Preparatory School, USA
Diane Michaud Victoria College within the University of Toronto, Canada
Shailey Minocha The Open University, UK
Barbara Mones University of Washington, USA
Jacki Morie All These Worlds, LLC, USA
Brooke Morrill Schell Games, USA
Anna Carolina Muller Queiroz Stanford University, USA
Susanna Nocchi Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland
Carlos J. Ochoa Fernandez ONE Digital Consulting, Spain
Jessica Ochoa Hendrix Killer Snails, USA
Amy Peck HTC, USA
Andrew Phelps American University and University of Canterbury, USA and New Zealand
Johanna Pirker Graz University of Technology, Austria
Jan Plass New York University, USA
Lance Powell VR First, Turkey
Ekaterina Prasolova-Førland Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Iulian Radu Harvard University, USA
Matthew Ramirez Jisc, UK
Deborah Richards Macquarie University, Australia
Nicola Rosa Accenture, USA
Dan Roy Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Donna Russell Walden University, USA
Norma Patricia Salinas Martínez Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico
Steven Sato Rolling Hills Country Day School, USA
Philippos Savvides Arizona State University, USA
Kathy Schrock Wilkes University, USA
Claire Seldon NSW Department of Education, Australia
Carl Smith Ravensbourne University London, United Kingdom
Erica Southgate University of Newcastle, Australia
Marcus Specht Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Bryne Stothard Frankfurt International School, Germany
Simon Su U.S. Army – Combat Capabilities Development Command Army Research Laboratory, United States
Kenji Tanaka Sony Electronics, United States
Heather Thomson University of Toronto, Canada
Romero Tori Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo, Brazil
Jolanda Tromp Duy Tan University, Vietnam
Barbara Truman University of Central Florida, USA
Jordan Tynes Wellesley College, USA
David Varela The Manufacturing Technology Centre, UK
Craig Vezina Z School, France
Fridolin Wild Oxford Brookes University, UK
Hla Hla Win 360ed, Myanmar
Michał Wróblewski Learn Teach Explore, Poland
Nabil Zary Mohamed Bin Rashid University of Medicine and Health Sciences, UAE
Cindy Ziker SRI International, USA.
International Workshops
Do you need an XR Design and Development workshop? These workshops are examples of previous efforts to organize cutting-edge creative gatherings.

International Workshop on Evaluation of Virtual Environments, VIEW of the Future, 2004
Eds: Jolanda Tromp, Mirabelle D'Cruz, Sarah Sharples
Designing and Evaluating Virtual Reality Systems. WORKSHOP 22-23 January 2004, VIRART, University of Nottingham, UK.
In January 2004, a two-day workshop was held with the aim of bringing together multi-disciplinary VE researchers and developers from academia and industry, to exchange ideas and further the definition and specification of guidelines for VE design and evaluation. The two days contained a combination of invited speakers, panel sessions and facilitated, topic-based small group discussions. All participants were encouraged to present their work through poster presentations, accompanied by short papers to be included in the workshop proceedings. The expected outcomes of the workshop are the workshop proceedings, a detailed description of ‘best practice’ for the development and evaluation of VEs, practical examples from the work of the workshop participants, a summary of insights generated from the workshop discussions, including a list of typical problems and solutions for interdisciplinary collaboration, design and evaluation for VR systems. All workshop participants are invited to contribute to a special issue of Presence, which will be produced from selected articles from the workshop proceedings and the outcomes of the workshop discussions.
The workshop took place in the Mixed Reality Laboratory of the University of Nottingham, on the new Jubilee Campus, Nottingham, situated in the heart of the United Kingdom. It was initiated and organized by Jolanda Tromp, Mirabelle D’Cruz, Sarah Sharples, Prof. J. Wilson, and colleagues from VIRART, as part of the Dissemination of VIEW of the Future Project Dissemination.

First International Workshop on Usability Evaluation for Virtual Environments, 1998
Eds: Jolanda Tromp, Chris Hand, Howell Istance, Kulwinder Kaur, Anthony Steed
The first International workshop on Usability Evaluation of Virtual Environments, based on the position papers a targeted a number of research issues as being seen as central to the development of an evaluation toolkit for VEs by the R&D community in 1998. These include topics of VE user-studies, such as VE interaction, Navigation, Social Interaction, Presence, General Utility of VEs, and methods to perform VE user-studies, such as Controlled experiments, User observation, User reports, Interface inspection, Design guidance. These topics and methods were the basis for discussions during the workshop, with the aim of incorporating the diverse but interrelated issues into an overall framework for this interdisciplinary collaboration.
This was one of the a final dissemination activities of the European Union funded project Collaborative Virtual Environments (COVEN) Project, ACTS N. AC040 EC, 1994-1998.
The UEVE’98 Workshop took place at De Montfort University, Leicester, and was sponsored by the British HCI Group.
Organizers: Jolanda Tromp, Chris Hand, Howell Istance, Kulwinder Kaur, Anthony Steed
Programme Committee:
Jolanda Tromp, University of Nottingham (COVEN).
Chris Hand, Napier University, Edinburgh.
Howell !stance, De Montfort University, Leicester.
Kulwinder Kaur, City University, London.
Anthony Steed, University College London (COVEN).
Professor Steve Benford, University of Nottingham (COVEN). Professor Alistair Sutcliffe, City University, London.
Professor John R. Wilson, University of Nottingham.

First International Collaborative Virtual Environments Workshop, 1996
Eds: Dave Snowdon, Elizabeth Churchill and Jolanda Tromp
The first Collaborative Virtual Environments Design and Evaluation workshop (CVE ’96), took place in September 1996 at the Mixed Reality Lab of the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom. It was an interesting workshop with presentations on a wide variety of topics related to Collaborative Virtual Environments and speakers from 10 countries. Hosted by the Communications Research Group at the Dept. of Computer Science for providing financial assistance, advice and encouragement. Thanks to Prof. Dr. Steve Benford at the University of Nottingham, and Prof. Dr. John Bowers of the University of Manchester for their supporting our proposal.
Organizers: Dave Snowdon,· Elizabeth Churchill, Jolanda Tromp
Programme Committee:
Steve Benford (University of Nottingham, UK)
John Bowers (University of Manchester, UK)
Lennart Fahlen (Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Sweden)
Tom Rodden (University of Lancaster, UK)
Mike Zyda (Naval Postgraduate School, USA)
Gurminder Singh (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
David England (GMO, Germany)
Elizabeth Churchill (University of Nottingham, UK)
Dave Snowdon (University of Nottingham, UK)
Jolanda Tromp (University of Nottingham, UK)
Book Chapter Publications
16. Tromp, Jolanda G., The Torch of Prometheus: Harnessing Sensetech for Global Progress: Moutinho, L., Bravo, L.: Impacts of Sensetech on Society, IGI Global, (submitted 08/2024), USA.
15. Tromp, Jolanda G., Delphi Consensus Study Future Directions for XR: Alcaniz, M., Sacco, M., Tromp, J. G., : Roadmapping XR Technologies, Wiley-Scrivener, (08/2022), USA.
14. Tromp, Jolanda G., : XR and the Backbone, in: Alcaniz, M., Sacco, M., Tromp, J. G., : Roadmapping XR Technologies, Wiley-Scrivener, (08/2022), USA.
13. Riman, J., Winters, N., Zelenak, J, Yucel, I, Tromp, J., Mixed Reality use in Higher Education: Results from an International Survey., Eds: Jolanda G. Tromp, Dac-Nhuong Le, Chung Le Van: Emerging Extended Reality Technologies for Industry 4.0: Early Experiences with Conception, Design, Implementation, Evaluation and Deployment. 03/2020; Wiley-Scrivener Publishing
12. Cai, Zhushun, Timothy., Medonza, O., Zelenak, Ray, K., Le, Van, Chung, Schofield, D., Tromp, J., Human Factors for e-Health Training System: UX Testing for XR Anatomy Training App, in: Eds: Jolanda G. Tromp, Dac-Nhuong Le, Chung Le Van : Emerging Extended Reality Technologies for Industry 4.0: Early Experiences with Conception, Design, Implementation, Evaluation, and Deployment. 03/2020; Wiley-Scrivener Publishing
11. Riman, J., Winters, N., Zelenak, J, Yucel, I, Tromp, J., Mixed Reality use in Higher Education: Results from an International Survey., Eds: Jolanda G. Tromp, Dac-Nhuong Le, Chung Le Van : Emerging Extended Reality Technologies for Industry 4.0: Early Experiences with Conception, Design, Implementation, Evaluation and Deployment. 03/2020; Wiley-Scrivener Publishing
10. Tromp, J., Bottoms, J., Introduction., in Eds: Jolanda G. Tromp, Dac-Nhuong Le, Chung Le Van : Emerging Extended Reality Technologies for Industry 4.0: Early Experiences with Conception, Design, Implementation, Evaluation and Deployment. 03/2020; Wiley-Scrivener Publishing
9. Vikram Puri, Kalpna Gautam, Jolanda G. Tromp, Chung Van Le, Nidhi Sachdeva, Tran Huu Minh Tri. CLOUDFALL 1.0: A Smart Low Cost IoT based Fall Detection Sensor Node, in Internet of Things in Biomedical Engineering, Eds: Valentina Balas, Le Hoang Son, Sudan Jha, Manju Khari, Raghvendra Kumar, Elseviers Academic Press, 07/2019
8. Jolanda G. Tromp: Introduction to Emerging Technologies for Medicine and Healthcare. In: Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Healthcare and Medicine Applications: Design, Evaluation and Long-Term Use Implications. Eds: Lê Đắc Nhường, Chung Le Van, Jolanda G. Tromp, Gia Nhu Nguyen, 06/2018; Wiley-Scrivener Publishing
7. Jamie Garcia, Jolanda G. Tromp, Hugh Seaton: Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Mock Interview Training. In: Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Healthcare and Medicine Applications: Design, Evaluation and Long-Term Use Implications. Eds: Lê Đắc Nhường, Chung Le Van, Jolanda G. Tromp, Gia Nhu Nguyen, 06/2018; Wiley Scrivener Publishing
6. Healthcare and Medicine Applications: Design, Evaluation and Long-Term Use Implications. Eds: Lê Đắc Nhường, Chung Le Van, Jolanda G. Tromp, Gia Nhu Nguyen, 06/2018; Wiley-Scrivener Publishing
5. Vikram Puri, Jolanda G. Tromp, Chung Le Van, Gia Nhu Nguyen, Lê Đắc Nhường, Noelle C. L. LeRoy: A Depth Analysis of Telemedicine Technologies. In: Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Healthcare and Medicine Applications: Design, Evaluation and Long-Term Use Implications. Eds: Lê Đắc Nhường, Chung Le Van, Jolanda G. Tromp, Gia Nhu Nguyen, 06/2018; Wiley-Scrivener Publishing
4. Chung Le Van, Jolanda G. Tromp, Vikram Puri: Using 3D Simulation In Medical Education: A Comparative Test Of Teaching Anatomy Using Virtual Reality, in: Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Healthcare and Medicine Applications: Design, Evaluation and Long-Term Use Implications. Eds: Lê Đắc Nhường, Chung Le Van, Jolanda G. Tromp, Gia Nhu Nguyen, 06/2018; Wiley-Scrivener Publishing
3. Jolanda Tromp, Chung Le, Bao Le, Dac-Nhuong Le: Massively Multi-user Online Social Virtual Reality Systems: Ethical Issues and Risks for Long-Term Use. Social Networks Science: Design, Implementation, Security, and Challenges, 06/2018: pages 131-149; ISBN: 978-3-319-90058-2, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-90059-9_7.
2. Jolanda Tromp, Tho Nguyen: User-Centered Design and Evaluation Methodology for Virtual Environments. Encyclopedia of Computer Graphics and Games, 02/2018; SpringerLink., DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-08234-9_167-1
1. Alex Stedmon, Mirabelle Cruz, Jolanda Tromp, John Wilson (2003). Two Methods and a Case Study: Human Factors Evaluations for Virtua Environments, in: Human-Centered Computing, Vol 1., CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, ISBN 9780367813369
Journal Publications
21. Tromp, J., Raeisian Pavari, P., Le, C.V., (2024). Building a global taxonomy for medical XR applications: identifying best practices for design innovation and collaboration. Journal of Empathic Computing, 1(01), in press, GS Publishing, UK, 12/2024
20. Gautam, K., Puri, V., Tromp, J., Le, C., & Nguyen, N. (2018). Internet of Things and Healthcare Technologies: A Valuable Synergy from Design to Implementation. International Journal of Machine Learning and Networked Collaborative Engineering, 2(03), 128-142
19. J.G. Tromp, A. Wolff, J.C. Torres, H.T. My: Usability evaluation of the interactive 3D virtual cultural heritage museum display: Fountain of the Lions software application. DOI:10.14419/ijet.v7i2.28.12887
18. J.G. Tromp, J. Chowdhury, J.C. Torres, H.T. My: Usability testing of “CHIsel”: Cultural heritage information system extended layers of interactive 3D computer generated images and relational database. DOI:10.14419/ijet.v7i2.28.12888
17. Jolanda G. Tromp, Sarah Sharples, Harshada Patel: Special issue: VR design and usability workshop guest editors’ introduction. Presence Teleoperators & Virtual Environments 12/2006; 15(6):.3-.4., DOI:10.1162/pres.15.6.iii
16. Ralph Schroeder, Ilona Heldal, Jolanda G. Tromp: The Usability of Collaborative Virtual Environments and Methods for the Analysis of Interaction. Presence Teleoperators & Virtual Environments 12/2006; 15(6):655-667., DOI:10.1162/pres.15.6.655
15. Ioannis Karaseitanidis, Angelos Amditis, Harshada Patel, Sarah Sharples, Evangelos Bekiaris, Alex Bullinger, Jolanda G. Tromp: Evaluation of virtual reality products and applications from individual, organizational and societal perspectives—The “VIEW” case study. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 03/2006; 64(3-64):251-266., DOI:10.1016/j.ijhcs.2005.08.013
14. Jolanda G. Tromp, Sarah Sharples, Harshada Patel: Guest Editor’s Introduction. Presence Teleoperators & Virtual Environments 12/2006, DOI:10.1162/pres.15.6.655.
13. Jolanda G. Tromp, Anthony Steed, John R. Wilson: Systematic Usability Evaluation and Design Issues for Collaborative Virtual Environments. Presence Teleoperators & Virtual Environments 06/2003; 12(3):241-267., DOI:10.1162/105474603765879512.
12. A Stedmon, M D’Cruz, J. Tromp, J. Wilson: Two Methods and a Case Study: Human Factors Evaluations for Virtual Environments, in: Proceedings of HCI International ’03, International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Crete, June 22-27, 2003, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 06/2003.
11. Anthony Steed, Mel Slater, Amela Sadagic, Adrian Bullock, Jolanda Tromp: Leadership and Collaboration in Shared Virtual Environments. 03/2002.
10. A. Bullock, J. Tromp, S. D. Benford: Evaluating the Network and Usability Characteristics of Virtual Reality Conferencing. DOI:10.1007/978-1-4615-5291-8_9
9. Kulwinder Kaur Deol, Anthony Steed, Chris Hand, Howell O. Istance, Jolanda Tromp: Usability Evaluation for Virtual Environments: Methods, Results and Future Directions (Part 2). Interfaces 10/2000;
8. Kulwinder Kaur Deol, anthony steed, Chris Hand, Howell Istance, Jolanda Tromp: Usability Evaluation for Virtual Environments: Methods, Results and Future Directions (Part 1). Interfaces 07/2000;
7. Veronique Normand, Christian Babski, Steve Benford, Adrian Bullock, Stephane Carion, Emmanuel Frcon, Nico Kuijpers, Nadia Magnenat Thalmann, Mel Slater, Gareth Smith, Anthony Steed, Daniel Thalmann, Jolanda Tromp, Martin Usoh, Gidi Van Liempd, John Harvey: The COVEN project: exploring applicative, technical and usage dimensions of collaborative virtual environments.
6. Jolanda G. Tromp, Adrian Bullock, Anthony Steed, Amela Sadagic, Mel Slater, Emmanuel Frécon: Small group behavior experiments in the COVEN Project. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 11/1998; 18(6):53-63., DOI:10.1109/38.734980
5. A. Steed, J. Tromp: Experiences with the evaluation of CVE applications. in Proceedings of 2nd Collaborative Virtual Environments Conference (CVE’98), University of Manchester, UK, 1998
4. J. G. Tromp, Andreas Dieberger: MUDs as Text-Based Spatial User Interfaces and Research Tools. 12/1995; 4(2-4):179-202., DOI:10.1515/JISYS.1995.5.2-4.179
3. J. Tromp: Presence, Telepresence and Immersion: The Cognitive Factors of Embodiment and Interaction in Virtual Environments, Psychology Dissertation, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 10/1995.
2. J. G. Tromp: Methodology of Distributed CVE Evaluations, CVE ’96 (Collaborative Virtual Environments) Workshop Proceedings, 1996, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 19-20 September, 09/1996; University of Nottingham.
1. A. Dieberger, J. Tromp: 3D Hypertext- The Information City Project: a Virtual Reality User Interface for Navigation in Information Spaces in: (ed. T. Erickson), The User Experience Review, Apple Computer, Vol. 11, Jan/Feb, pp.2-9., 01/1995
Conference Publications
22. Nguyen, T., L., Trinh, H.H., Le, C. V., Lauer, N., Tromp, J.G., 2020). Digital Cultural Heritage: Virtual & Augmented Reality 3D Animation of UNESCO World Heritage Site Mỹ Sơn, in: EuroXR 2020 Application, Exhibition and Demo Track, Proceedings of EuroVR Conference, Helin, K., Angelica, A. de, Reyes-Lecuona, A., VTT Beyond The Obvious, VTT Technology 381, Finland, ISBN:4-1478-83-159-879 “”
21. Kalpna Gautam, Vikram Puri, Jolanda G Tromp, Nguyen Gia Nhu and Chung Van Le, Internet of Things (IoT) and Deep Neural Network Based Intelligent and Conceptual Model for Smart City, in: Proceedings of FICTA Conference, DuyTan University, 2018 .
20. A. Wolff, J.G. Tromp, J.C. Torres: Usability evaluation of the interactive 3D virtual cultural heritage museum display: Fountain of the lions software application. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Communication, Management and Information Technology 2018 (ICCMIT 2018): Special Session: XR for Cultural Heritage, Hospitality and Tourism, Madrid, Spain, 4/2018
19. J. Chowdhury, J.G. Tromp, J.C. Torres: Usability testing of “CHIsel”: Cultural heritage information system extended layers of interactive 3D computer generated images and relational database. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Communication, Management and Information Technology 2018 (ICCMIT 2018): Special Session: XR for Cultural Heritage, Hospitality and Tourism, Madrid, Spain, 4/2018
18. Jamie Garcia, Jolanda G. Tromp, Hugh Seaton: Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Mock Interview Training. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Communication, Management and Information Technology 2018 (ICCMIT 2018): Special Session: MR for Medicine & Healthcare, Madrid, Spain, 4/2018
17. Chung Le Van, Vikram Puri, Jolanda G. Tromp: A Comparative Test of Teaching Anatomy Using Virtual Reality. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Communication, Management and Information Technology 2018 (ICCMIT 2018): Special Session: MR for Medicine & Healthcare, Madrid, Spain, 4/2018
16. Jolanda Tromp, Chung Le Van, Duc Minh Nguyen: Virtual Reality for Medical Anatomy Education and Training: a comparative test of teaching with corpses, plastic models and VR. Demo and Paper, EuroVR Association Conference 2017, Laval, France; 11/2017
15. Hoa Trinh Hiep, Jolanda Tromp, Chung Le Van: Virtual Reality for Medical Anatomy Education and Training. Poster and Paper, EuroVR Association Conference 2017, Laval, France; 11/2017
14. Tromp, J.G., Minne, v.d. S, Virtual Leadership game, based on the GLOBE study of Intercultural leadership skills, Global SIETAR (Society for Intercultural Communication, Training and Research) conference, May 21-23, Valencia, Spain. 05/2015
13. Tromp, J.G. Dol, R.W., Jackmuth, S., Sohne, J., Urban-Goods: The Game, The Marketplace and the Cooperative, EsoCE-net: People Driven Social Innovation Forum, European Society of Concurrent Enterprising network (EsoCE-net) Industry Forum & People Olympics for Social Innovation, Rome, Italie, 2013
12. Griffiths, B., Tromp, J.G., CoachMaster: Intercultural Coaching Online, 3rd DIALOGIN Conference: Global Leadership Competence, June 29-30, 06/2012
11. Tromp, J.G., Global Teamwork, Global SIETAR (Society for Intercultural Communication, Training and Research) Conference, Granada, Spain, 08/2008
10. Jolanda Tromp, Damian Schofield, Richard Eastgate: Practical Experiences of Building Virtual Reality Systems. Proceedings of Designing and Evaluating Virtual Reality Systems Symposium, Nottingham, UK; 07/2004
9. Ioannis Kompatsiaris, Yannis S. Avrithis, Paola Hobson, Tony May, Jolanda G. Tromp: Achieving Integration of Knowledge and Content Technologies: The aceMedia Project. Knowledge-Based Media Analysis for Self-Adaptive and Agile Multi-Media, Proceedings of the European Workshop for the Integration of Knowledge, Semantics and Digital Media Technology, EWIMT 2004, November 25-26, 2004, London, UK; 01/2004
8. A. Steed, M. Slater, A. Sadagic, A. Bullock, J. Tromp: Leadership and Collaboration in Shared Virtual Environments. Virtual Reality, 1999. Proceedings., IEEE; 04/1999, DOI:10.1109/VR.1999.756941
7. Jolanda G. Tromp: Designing Flow of Interaction for Virtual Environments. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Collaborative Virtual Environments Conference, Manchester; 01/1998
6. Jolanda G. Tromp, Dave Snowdon: Virtual Body Language: providing appropriate user interfaces in Collaborative Virtual Environments, in Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology 1997 (VRST’97), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland; 01/1997, DOI:10.1145/261135.261143
5. Normand, V., and Tromp, J.G.: Collaborative Virtual Environments: the COVEN Project, in: Proceedings of FIVE’96 Conference, Spain, 1996.
4. J. Tromp: Presence, Telepresence and Immersion: The Cognitive Factors of Embodiment and Interaction in Virtual Environments, in Proceedings of the FIVE’95 (Framework for Immersive Virtual Environments) Conference, Queen Mary and Westfield College, pp.39-51
3. Tromp, J.G.: Methodology of CVE Evaluation, in: Proceedings of Fourth UKVRSIG conference, Bowden, R. (ed), Brunel University, 1995
2. Tromp, J.G.: Results of Two Surveys about Spatial Perception and Navigation of a Text-Based Spatial Interface, in: Proceedings ECHT ’94, European Conference on Hypertext, Edinburgh, September 19-23, 9/1993
1. Jolanda Tromp, Andreas Dieberger: The Information City Project – a Virtual Reality Interface for Navigation in Information Spaces. Symposium on Virtual Reality, Vienna, Austria; 12/1993

Research Profiles
Popular Psychology
Tromp, J.G., (2010). Managing Expat Stress – in Dutch (Crisis in Spanje: Hoe Ga Je als Expat om met de Stress), Dutch World Radio Services (Radio Nederland Wereldomroep), 13 Mei.
Tromp, J.G. (2010). Discover the World as a Student Abroad – in dutch (Ontdek de Wereld als Student in het Buitenland), Dutch World Radio Services (Radio Nederland Wereldomroep), 4 Maart.
Bor, van den, C., Tromp, J.G., (2009). Children Crucial during Immigration – in Dutch (Kinderen Vaak Cruciaal bij Immigratie naar Spanje), Dutch World Radio Services (Radio Nederland Wereldomroep), 4 September.
Tromp, J.G., (2008), Determine your own Happiness in your Job Abroad – in Dutch (Bepaal Zelf Je Geluk in Je Buitenlandse Baan), Dutch World Radio Services (Radio Nederland Wereldomroep), 23 December.
Bor, van den, C., (2008). Positive Psychology – in Dutch (De Psychologie van het Geluk, in Spanje): Interview with Dr. Jolanda Tromp, Dutch World Radio Services (Radio Nederland Wereldomroep), 6 Oktober..
Keijzer, R., (2010). The Programmer gets the Blame: Living Labs van het make Systems Userfriendly – in Dutch (De Programmeur Krijgt de Schuld: Living Labs helpen Systemen Gebruiksvriendelijk te Maken): Interview with Dr. Jolanda Tromp, The Automation Guide (Automatisering Gids), 5 Februari.
Walraevens, S., (2014). Not every Lens is the Same: Cultural literacy with Cultural Detective – in Flamish and French (De ene lens is de andere niet: Cultuurvaardig worden met de Cultural Detective methode), Interview with Dr. Jolanda Tromp, in n’Go Magazine, Echos Communication, Waterloo, Belgium, Nr 16, 23 February.